
Matcha-thee is een soort groene thee die wordt gemaakt van camellia sinensis-bladeren. Het is een veelgeprezen drank in Azië en sinds kort populair in de westerse wereld vanwege zijn gezondheidsvoordelen. Matcha-thee bevat veel antioxidanten, chlorofyl en cafeïne. In deze categorie vind je al onze matcha-producten en leggen we uit wat de geschiedenis van matcha-thee is.
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Naturaplaza for your organic and natural ingredients. We have a very wide range of food and non-food products. Looking for Premium Matcha Powder Organic? Take a look here...
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As low as €16.99
Naturaplaza for your organic and natural ingredients. We have a very wide range of food and non-food products. Looking for Matcha Latte Mix Organic? Take a look here...
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As low as €9.25
Naturaplaza for your organic and natural ingredients. We have a very wide range of food and non-food products. Looking for Matcha Teabowl Nara? Take a look here...
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Naturaplaza for your organic and natural ingredients. We have a very wide range of food and non-food products. Looking for Matcha Powder Ceremony Organic? Take a look here...
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As low as €45.88
Naturaplaza for your organic and natural ingredients. We have a very wide range of food and non-food products. Looking for Matcha Powder Organic? Take a look here...
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As low as €5.95
Naturaplaza for your organic and natural ingredients. We have a very wide range of food and non-food products. Looking for Matcha whisk Holder? Take a look here...
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As low as €10.76
Made of Bamboo! Ideal for dosing your Matcha tea … Read on below...
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Naturaplaza for your organic and natural ingredients. We have a very wide range of food and non-food products. Looking for Matcha Bamboo Tea Beate? Take a look here...
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What is Matcha? Using Matcha powder

Matcha is, in short, a Japanese green tea variety. Matcha tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. It is the leaves of the plant that are ground into powder form. In this way, Matcha green tea is made.

The production process, however, is a lot harder than it sounds: there are very few tea farmers in Japan who know how to make Matcha tea. You can find Matcha tea powder in the Other Natural Foods category.

Magical Matcha tea

Matcha tea is, because of the difficult preparation, a special product. The tea has a particularly nice taste and is also rich in nutrients. Matcha tea is produced in a way that the tea plants have less contact with sunlight than other teas. To compensate for the lack of sunlight, Matcha plants produce chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll is a substance that gives the plant's leaves a dark green colour. Chlorophyll also provides increased levels of amino acids in Matcha tea. In addition to lots of amino acids, Matcha tea is also packed with minerals and vitamins, as well as antioxidants and caffeine. This is because the entire tea leaf is used for Matcha tea.

Accessories for Matcha tea

Matcha tea is not a Macho tea for exciting stands, but a tea that helps you restore balance to your body (and perhaps your life). Naturaplaza has matching accessories to enrich your tea experience. Among other things, we sell special bowls for Matcha tea, bamboo spoons, and bamboo beaters.

How healthy is Matcha powder?

Did you know that Matcha tea is rich in polyphenols? Polyphenols are a form of antioxidants. 

Matcha is a good remedy to use when losing weight. This tasty tea can, among other things, eliminate hunger feelings and is a good alternative to thirst quenchers that contain a lot of sugar, or are sweetened with artificial sweeteners.

Matcha supports the body. That's because the leaf of this green tea contains both polyphenols and antioxidant L-theanine. This amino acid has a calming effect on the brain. It is sometimes said that Matcha works very well to take away stress.

The benefits of Matcha

Matcha is a tea powder that is rich in various antioxidants. Matcha is great to use when stressed and can be relieving.

Does Matcha also have disadvantages?

Buying matcha powder is definitely recommended, although there are some (minor) disadvantages. First of all, matcha contains caffeine. Of course, this is not such a big problem: caffeine is also found in cola and coffee. Matcha can give you a short energy dip.

Some people claim that Matcha gives a more natural boost (with a smaller dip) than coffee. Please note that you can't keep drinking Matcha tea endlessly: keep it to a few cups.

How to use Matcha

Matcha is mainly used in tea, but there are many other uses for Matcha powder. Matcha is the perfect alternative to a cup of coffee and a natural, powerful pick-me-up for early mornings. Matcha is a superfood that has many different uses. Below we list some ideas for your inspiration.

Matcha tea rice making

Mix a small spoonful of Matcha powder and a pinch of sea salt. In the meantime, heat 125 milliliters of water. When the water is hot, add it and now stir with a Matcha whisk until the powder is completely dissolved. In another bowl, add a little bit of brown rice (top it off with sesame seeds and sliced spring onion). You can now pour the Matcha tea over the rice.

Dressing from Matcha? Yes

You can also make a dressing from Matcha, including adding olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic. As additional flavouring you can use shallots, some honey, salt, and some tahini. Matcha mixes ideally with these fresh sweet and sour flavors in a mix for salad.

A pudding made of Matcha

Matcha goes great with a mixture of chia and almond milk. On the Internet, you will find tips on how to make Matcha pudding that you can let harden in the refrigerator. You can then finish your pudding with different toppings, including cocoa nibs or shredded coconut.

Matcha Spice Mix

Matcha also matches with several other spices, including pepper, salt, and garlic. You can add to the spice mix small bits of ground ginger, as well as thyme and some cayenne pepper. You can use your spice mix - if properly sealed - for several months and then use it to marinate meat, or to flavours other dishes.

Matcha ice cubes? You can do that too!

It may sound a little crazy, but it is very tasty. You just put a scoop of Matcha powder in a bowl, add some cold water, stir with the special Matcha whisk and remove any lumps. Add some more water and pour the goodness into ice cube form. You can then use the Matcha ice cubes as refreshment in a Latte, or any other cool drink.